Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fundraising for Filipino flood victims

In just a six hours, on September 26, Typhoon Ondoy brought a month's worth of rainfall to the Metro Manila area causing severe flooding, loss of life, displacement of people and damage to property. Bert's sisters in the Philippines had water in their home up to the first floor ceiling and their families had to evacuate to the rooftop. A kind neighbour who helped Bert and Paul when they were in the Philippines passed away as a result of the typhoon.

In response to this disaster, PICPA Vancouver raised $1,200 at their annual dinner / dance and has sent the money to help flood victims. Photo (left) shows Bert explaining the fundraising challenge at the dinner/dance.

Bert and Pat also attended the Celebrity Tribute for Victims of Typhoon Ondoy where songs by Salve Dayao (Java Jazz) and Joey Albert (recording artist) moved many to tears. Also donating their time were "Donna Summers", "Tina Turner" "Abba" "Temptations." After the show, Bert met "Michael Jackson." Click here to see Kyle Toy dancing to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean .

Our thoughts and prayers go to everyone who is directly and indirectly affected by this catastrophe.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Proud Father

Bert and Robert remembering all the Obama "O-Zones" that we sought out and found in Oahu last August by using the book Obamaland as a guide.

Bert and Pat are proud of both of their son's accomplishments. Click on Robert to see and hear his interview about a publication that he was part of, New Voices: An Anthology: Art & Writing by Chinese Canadians of Post-1967 Diaspora in the Lower Mainland.